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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"What Have You Eaten So Far?"

1.  For breakfast, I like roti canni, an oily, almost pastry-like bread, with a hard boiled egg, a banana, and coffee tarek.  However, a chocolate waffle with rice and  an over-hard egg are nice occasionally....

2.  For lunch, I usually have chicken or fish with spicy sauce over rice  with vegetables.

3.  I especially love nasi lemak, the chicken in curry gravy with the creamy rice,  and the fried rice with chicken topped with the fried egg, nasi goreng.

Other Culinary Notes of Interest   

     This special dinner of lemang was prepared for Eid-ul-Adha.  I was graciously invited to the celebration at the home of a work colleague.  After the dinner, I tried this spiky, brown fruit.  It's called durian.  The smell is super strong, and unpleasant to me.  Many Malaysians love it.  I tasted it and thought it similar to mashed potatoes with side of citrus.

1 comment:

  1. Alaise -- Did you take all of these photos? They are excellent! The food looks scrumptious.
